Does MetaVision have specific functionality to meet the needs of neonatal and pediatric ICUs?
MetaVision offers solutions designed specifically for neonatal and pediatric critical care: MV-NICU and MV-PICU offer unique functionality, such as support for micro-dosages and precise calculations of nutrition requirements, for these special environments.
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What specialized functionalities does MV-Anaesthesia offer?
The system enables data capture throughout the OR lifecycle, including surgical safety checklists, notifications about changes in patient status and potential risks, a complete anesthesia record, and ensures both optimal efficiency during interventions and a seamless transfer to other units.
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Can I use MetaVision for the perioperative environment?
In the perioperative environment, MetaVision offers MV-Anaesthesia Adult and MV-Anaesthesia Pediatrics, both of which provide complete coverage for the entire perioperative environment – from pre-op to intra-op and post-anesthesia care units.
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